Customer Testimonials

Dan More

I recently had Mad-Cat Electric install a 11kw generator as well as 200A panel conversion (fuses to breaker upgrade) at my cottage. Owner Bruce Koehler contacted me shortly after my on line inquiry, rare for most companies with website email contact capabilities.  We spoke in detail about the scope of work, timing and the next day I was presented with a written quotation which was basically the cost on my final bill for work completed in less than two weeks after my initial call!  The primary installers, Ben and Caleb worked diligently from morning to late afternoon but completed the entire job in the one day.  Can’t say enough about the workmanship, effort and support I received from the entire Mad-Cat team!  I was very impressed by the professionalism from quote to completion and would like to give them two thumbs up for a job well done!  And Many Thanks!

Submitted via E-mail.

Bonnie Stockdale

Thank you Bruce and all the guys from Mad-cat electric.  Our new home has all the latest updates because of you.
From our hide-a-hose vacuum,  USB ports on the receptacles,  timed night lights in the walls and complete LED lighting.
Also your help with the solar panel system.
We are enjoying our new energy efficient home.

OMgosh, I forgot to mention the propane whole home generator  !  A very affordable and essential addition.   With the power going out for sometimes days.  This is a  must . . . In North Kawartha  !   

Submitted via Google Reviews.

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